Dev Journal
GalCiv IV: Supernova Dev Journal #68 - Economy Primer
Building a strong economy is a foundational aspect of all 4X games, regardless of your overarching aims in that particular campaign: whether you’re racing for a technological victory by researching the most advanced technologies, or raising an unstoppable military juggernaut to crush your enemies with, “the sinews of war are infinite gold” to quote Cicero. Or, in the case of Galactic Civilization’s IV: Supernova, infinite credits. And even that timeless wisdom doesn’t quite do things justice ... [read more]

Digital Unicorn: DBusiness talks Stardock System's history and growth
As a developer of productivity software and video games inPlymouth Township, Stardock Systems Inc. is no longer ‘themost famous company you’ve never heard of. by Ronald Ahrens One day last spring, Brad Wardell found himself in suburban Baltimore for some meetings when he joked about video conferencing being bad for his step count. Wardell, founder, president, and CEO of Stardock Systems Inc. in Plymouth Township, was visiting Oxide Games, a Stardock subsidiary in Timonium, M... [read more]

Dev Journal
GalCiv IV: Supernova: Dev Journal #67 - Plan Your Research
To follow on from our previous developer blogs aimed at onboarding new players into our flagship turn-based space 4X game, Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova, this week I thought we’d have a look at a simple system you can use to select a plan of technological development that will best fit your current game situation. Technology, from a top down perspective, is pretty easy to understand in Space 4X: you generate some kind of research resource, in GalCiv ours is conveniently called Rese... [read more]

Dev Journal
GalCiv IV: Supernova Dev Journal #66 - Grab That Space Junk!
Following on from last week where we gave some advice on game settings to new players coming into Galactic Civilizations IV for the first time, this time around we’re going to examine a crucial 4X game feature that often goes overlooked by new players: the “goodie hut”, or Anomalies , to give them their proper GalCiv name. The 4X gameplay staple mechanic of collectable resources randomly scattered across the map goes way back to the original Sid Meier’s Civilization at least, and is so ingr... [read more]

Dev Journal
GalCiv IV: Supernova Dev Journal #65 - Who to Play First?
Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova has had a large influx of new players in recent months and the game can be a little overwhelming to first time players. We’re going to take a look at a good game setup for a first time player. Before we do though, let’s look at some of the key ingredients that go into shaping a playthrough. There are 23 prebuilt playable factions in the game, that we call the Core Civilizations, and while the AlienGPT custom civilization builder ensures these aren’t your ... [read more]

GalCiv IV: Species Pack Update and Feature Breakdown
Last week we released the Species Pack DLC and today we've made updates to that pack that include; more species, multi-selecting portraits, and adding the ability to 'copy species' . All GalCiv IV players will see minor tweaks to the base species, improved AlienGPT image generation, and some bug fixes. See the full changelog below. For clarity on what's included in Galactic Civilizations IV versus what's exclusive to the Species Pack, please r... [read more]

Dev Journal
GalCiv IV: Supernova Dev Journal #64 - Species Pack Playstyle Ideas
We’ve examined the Citizens in Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova quite a bit recently, and I’m hoping that one important point was made loud and clear: when added to the myriad of other player selectable or customisable game features, Citizens provide you more options in building your own unique playstyle for that particular playthrough. This week we’ll take a look at the reasoning behind the variation in Species Traits between Core Species, the generic types and some of the new ones we a... [read more]