Dev Journal
GalCiv IV: Supernova Dev Journal #3 - Battle Viewer And Ship Behavior Improvements
I hope this dev log finds you well and ready for some exciting updates on GalCiv IV: Supernova. Today, I wanted to share with you some recent work we've been doing on the battle viewer. First and foremost, we have completely redone the cinematic mode. We know that players love to watch their battles unfold in a dramatic and visually stunning way, so we took this to heart and completely overhauled the camera movements. The result is an epic and movie-like experience that truly captures the fee... [read more]

NOW AVAILABLE: Galactic Civilizations IV v1.11 Update
Galactic Civilizations IV v1.11 Update Adds German Language Support, Adjusts Game Balance, and More Read the changelog It's here: German language support for Galactic Civilizations IV! In addition, v1.11 focuses on updating some numbers behind the scenes to improve game balance and create a better overall gameplay experience. We updated the Warrior ability to deal increased damage, but took away the ranged weapon benefits. Leader events are popular among our commu... [read more]

Dev Journal
GalCiv IV: Supernova Dev Journal #2 - Updating Visuals
One of the things this Winter we're doing is updating the graphics of GalCiv IV in lots of various ways. One upcoming update to GalCiv IV will be a revision to all the planetary improvements. For example: [New research building] With 4K and 1440p becoming more common we really needed to up the game. We will also be updating some of the minor races. So for instance, remember this guy? Pretty grotesque. He's being updated with this guy: ... [read more]

Dev Journal
GalCiv IV: Supernova Dev Journal #1 - The 2023 plan
So this Spring will mark the one year anniversary of the release of Galactic Civilizations IV. And we have some really big plans for it. We've been working hard on a major revamp of the entire game. Here are some of the areas we are making big changes: Totally new combat system. Beam vs. Kinetic vs. Missile as a rock paper scissors mechanic against shields, armor and point defense is going away. Instead, various types of weapons will have their own pros and cons in... [read more]

Galactic Civilizations IV v1.1 update brings several quality of life updates
Experience Quality of Life Improvements in the Galactic Civilizations IV v1.1 Update Get GalCiv IV Now | v1.1 Changelog As the all-powerful leader of a spacefaring civilization, players will seek out new star systems and discover the exciting potential of the subspace realm. With over a dozen starting civilizations to choose from - the possibilities for each playthrough are endless, leaving players with a truly unique experience every time they start... [read more]

Dev Journal
GalCiv IV Dev Journal #23 - Every Turn Counts
Every Turn Counts I've provided a save from the very first turn of a Survival mode game. I was able to get 55 turns. Can you get further? To try it out here is the save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18RWubDhiDutHC96M-BrOyyY7f5NWyf8P/view?usp=share_link Note #1: This is a multiplayer save (so we can try Survival mode) so it needs to go in your ..\Documents\My Games\GalCiv4\MPSaves\ directory. It also needs to be loaded as "Restore Session" on the Multiplayer screen. No... [read more]

Dev Journal
GalCiv IV Dev Journal #22 - Save Me
Update 1.05 added Survival Mode to Multiplayer. In Survival mode, all the AIs are locked in permanent war with the human players and allied with each other. They also receive bonuses that increase over time. The AI will win, the question is, how long will you last? Or in a MP game, which human will last the longest? But you don't need other humans to play MP in GC4, so I setup a Survival mode game to play all by myself. My settings are all fairly typical, one large... [read more]