Manifesto: Why Yor (and another artificial life) are superior to organic life.
Published on Thursday, January 9, 2025 By
Manifesto: Why Yor (and another artificial life) are superior to organic life.
When you look at the Yor, the pinnacle of the synthetic life, you may not be so impressed. But the more you look into them, the more clearly you see how superior they are to the organic.
For one, there’s their reproduction. Instead of having sex one way or another, the Yor are assembled in factories. Then, a Spark of life is injected into the Yor unit and so, a sentient Yor is born. Since he’s both robotic and sentient, he can clear very fast. What’s more, the two Yor will never waste time for sexual reproduction and the choosing of partners. However, the Yor are still capable of forming platonic and brotherly bonds with each other, and even some organics. It is also clearly seen when a Yor is given sentience - when the Spark enters him. This is the exact moment when a sentience is born, and there is no questioning it.
A Yor is immediately able to work upon achieving sentience. He will already have some memories uploaded, but can build up new memories and share them with other Yor if needed be. While some organics can try to modify their bodies, the Yor can do it easily.
A Yor’s lack of sexual interest will also make the Yor not experience any “squick” feeling.
A Yor does not feel pain and does not have any limitations to its stamina. While it can run out of power and, as such, cannot work all the time and needs to recharge, this is the only limiting factor. Organics have to both sleep and eat. The Yor combine both into one; charging. Charging will provide the Yor with all necessary energy and improve his morale. The Yor will not react to any damage with pain. Unlike organics, who may stop working due to a painful but irrelevant scratch, the Yor will not stop working until the damage to his body makes it physically impossible.
The Yor can become ill due to computer viruses and material degradation. However, replacement of body parts is easy, and preventative measures (and cures) are also easier to apply than to an organic.
While the Yor are not immortal and their Spark of Life will eventually evaporate from a body, it takes much longer than for an organic. Some Yor, such as N-1, have existed since the beginning of the Yor civilization.
While the Yor may be programmed to hate organic beings, they are capable of overcoming it. They finally did so in 2307.
The Yor are trying to bring the organics to their level and show them wonders of synthetic life. Has any synthetic ever been invited by organics to try an organic life?
After 2307, the Yor tried to make a new galactic alliance. But, unlike the Terrans, who did it for defense, but just because it was the right thing to do.
They left said organics domestic politics to them. The organics have tendencies to oppress synthetic life.
So, you can clearly see, the Yor are superior to organics.