Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV

Guys, I'm begging you

Published on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 By Colonel_Panic2465 In GalCiv IV Feedback

Is there a way to turn off the zoom and shake transitions when going to a space dock, starbase, or planet?  Please let me turn this off.

Also, it's bizarre to me that ships don't alert when hostile ships enter sensor range.  Why is this considered part of the game play?  They plow ahead, sticking to their orders.  Or survey ships quietly let space dragons approach without alerting.  Like, GOTCHA HAHA you didn't pay attention to every ship with orders in your fleet!  That's the game?  Really?  Can we PLEASE consider changing this?  Again, Empire Deluxe (available on Steam), a WWII-sorta 4x game from 30 years ago, had this feature.

One other thing that would be a HUGE help: *please* highlight the selected ship better.  This has been an issue since forever.  Especially when selecting from one ship to another of the same type.  A lot of times, it doesn't select and I'm still on the first ship but can't tell.  A big red circle (or the opposite end of the color spectrum, since we can all choose our faction colors) would be pretty helpful!

Thank you!