Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV

"10 years of Terror and Oppresion project"

Published on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 By BohandiAnsoid In Galactic Civilizations IV

Hello everyone. 


In the recent mounths, I have made a few fanfictions as a part of my "Galactic Civilizations: Expanded Universe" fan project. They canbe find at posts: "War of the Arnor fan project", "Tales of the Civilizations" and "Drengin propaganda". 


I had a gap in that, but I am now returning. I am going to start a new project, this time for a long book - somewhat like "War of the Arnor". But before I will start writing, I want your help. I do not want to spoil much (in part because I am still inventing the plot, throught the basic I have already), but what I can tell is that it will fosuc on a group of ex-Terran Alliance military personnel and start during the events of "Dark Avatar" and continue thorught the game and (especially) in time between Galactic Civilizations II and Galactic Civilizations III. It will also include an explanation why Yor ships look different between games, and why the Yor changed from "Collective" to "Singularity" at all. 


What I want you to do to give me ideas on what happened between the games. We know only the overwiev and a few events invloving Terran Resistance and Terrran Remnants of Marcus Cory (and some Drengin and Altarians). Give me more ideas. Whta did the Torian Resistance3 do then? How Arcean citizens lived under Drengin occupations? Were there any important battles/ambushes against the Drengin and the Yor? How the Krynn spread their faith? I want you to write me on these subjects and more subjects. I will give you more spoilers if you take interest in it. 


Also, I would like to ask if there is any way to recreate these events in any Galactic Civilizations game, particalarly  GCIV. Even if it must be using mods/cheats.