Issues and other things
Published on Saturday, August 17, 2024 By
Hi, I'm feeling ornery and want to complain again. (I love the game otherwise these things wouldn't bother me.)
First, I'd like to register my dislike for the new teensy sized sectors. I think it does tend to cripple anyone who starts in one. And sectors that are so close together it's weird that there's a jump point. Like if they're directly adjacent, then why? But I suppose that with no galactic viewer, then scrolling takes a long time? I don't like this fix if that's the issue. :/
But also, there are lots of text issues again. Stuff written on top of other text, text displaying far away from where it probably should be (like in the command section of the leader interface, if you hover over ships you don't have the tech for yet). And the battle prediction is still broken, in the sense that hovering over an enemy fleet sometimes still doesn't show anything. I have to look around for something else to hover over and get a battle prediction, or sometimes I have to grab a different fleet and hover over the enemy, then go back to the original fleet and try again. Grouped in with all of this is the issue in the ship designer, where if I hover over a "component" then other items in the shipyard have their text all smooshed together.
I was playing Empire Deluxe, a classic 4x game from 30 years ago. (It's available on Steam btw, everyone should take a glance IMO.) There's a mechanic in there where if your unit is following its move order and a (previously not visible) enemy ship appears in it's view (sensor range in GC parlance) then it STOPS MOVING and gives a little alert sound. It does not mindlessly continue it's movement into the teeth of the bad guys. Maybe something like this could be implemented in GC? I think it would make the game a little more player friendly.
The battle viewer is amazing and works very well now. But the first battle you view after loading a save or starting a new game is still always autoplay for some reason. And I don't suppose that the battle viewer could remember my preferences when I save the game?
Thanks for reading this!