Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV

Issue With Bernal Sphere Vault Item That Adds Usable Tile To Core World Under 2.7.583265

Published on Thursday, June 27, 2024 By PaulLach In Galactic Civilizations IV

The first screen snapshot below shows the text for the Bernal Sphere item in the vault.  Note that it says "adds +1 to its usable tiles."

The second screen shot shows that the core world that I am about to apply the Bernal Sphere to is a class 36 planet meaning it has 36 usable tiles.

The third screen snapshot shows that, after applying the Bernal Sphere item that should add 1 usable tile, the planet is now a class 39 planet meaning that 3 usable tiles were added.

I recommend that the text be modified to say "Adds +3 to its usable tiles.".