Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV

Future suggestions

Published on Monday, May 20, 2024 By BohandiAnsoid In Galactic Civilizations IV

I really like this game and this series but there are a few things I want to suggest to imnprove it.

1. Broing back the Korx. At least as citizens. There are citizens even from species who never had a civilization, but not the Korx. It is really annoying. At least, I want portraits for the Korx. I think a Korx citrizen should be very probably to be an Individualist, often be a criminal, have an approval bonus for being an Enterpanour or a soldier and approaval pently for being a worker or sceintist, and Korx leaders should have penalties for loyalty, but this is up to you, of course.

2. Make an Arnroian ship style. While Arnorian ships only appeared in Gc2: Twiglight of the Arnor (and only in campaign or via a special event), they are absolutely gorgous visually. Probably the most biuetiful ships I ever seen. So I would like to have them as a ships style so I could play them in sandbox mode. And, I know there was an Arnor - based expansion announced, so it would be a gopod place to put this ships style in.

3. Bring back old campaigns. Or at least, some missions of them I would remove some missionjs I see as "filler", such as Thalan mission from "Retribution" camapign, The Death of the Korx from Dark Avatar campaign, Spies mission form Dark Avaatr campaign, Sea of Dread from Twiglight of the Arnor campaign, and combine some missions into one (first 3 or 4 missions of Dread Lords, Deception and Salvation from the same campaign, Nightmare on Dithir and Return of the Dread Lords from Dark Avatar campaign, Rock and Hard place and Conflagnation from Twihglight of the Arnor, as well as making them stand alone missions rather than camapoigns. At the very least, I would lik eto see campoaigns about:

Xendar War (GC3: Riuse of the Terrans)

Altarian Prophacy campaign all into one mission

Thalan arrival (a new mission about the Thalans arriving and setting up)

Dread Lords Return

Dread Lords war

Drengin - Korath War

End of Dread Lords (at least final mission of Twiglight of the Arnor)

Libaration of Arcea

Earth sheld lowered

Battle of Drengi (last mission of GC3: Retrubution, from any Terran sid, Terran Alliance oir Terran Resistance)

4. Legacy ships:

I would love to see ships specific for campaigns in GC4, in SANBOX mode (I would love to see hiow powerful is TAS Crusader or an Arnorian Battle Cruiser with the barrages, for example). I would think that they should be awarded from choices by special events (power restored, breaking out a museum piece) troggered, for exmaple, by loosing your homeworld or having your flagship fdestroyed a few times in 5 turns, when an enemy uses a terror star or when a legacy civ spawns). Of course, there are similar thjings, so legacy ships would have:
-No maintanance cost at all.
-Would never unlock in shipyard, always appear on the map
-Would interact with control, somehow
-Its doctrine would NEVER be changed, at all, ever
-Its destruction would trigger another even, a punishing one (some penalties would be applied, maybe you would have some choice, maybe not)
These ships may be aviable randomly to any civilization, but could be unlocked by either citizen type or a specific ability. Legacy ships I would like to see (in () is a propsed citrizen OR ability required to use it):
-TAS Crusader, from GC3 Crusade campaign (Human citizen OR Vigilant)
-TAS Valkyrie, from GC3 Retrubution campaign (Human citizen OR Resourcesful)
-Arnorian Battle Cruiser, from GC2 Twiglight of the Arnor Campaign possibly multiple (Human citizen OR Resurcesful)
-Avatar 369, from GC2 Dark Avaatr camapoign mission Dasrk Apocalupse (Drengin citizens OR Slavers)
-Drengin flagships from first mission of Dark Avatar (Drengin citizens OR Slavers)
-Drengin flagships from sixth mission of Dark Avatar (Drengin citizens OR Slavers)
-TAS Revenge - III from the Santhi campoaign (Snathi citizens OR Crime Lords)
-Drath Cruiser from final Atlarian Prophecy campaign (Drath citizen OR War Profiteers)
-Extermination base (a ship that can spawn Spore Ship, unlocked ONLY if homewolrd is lost), (Korath cirtizen OR Exterminators)
And many others.

5. New abilities:
In additiona to legacy ships, new abiulities would be nice, should as "may travell thorught black hole"0

6. And for me specifically, more lore (such as short stories found in events or challenges, itp.)