Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV


Published on Sunday, October 22, 2023 By Bamdorf In Galactic Civilizations IV

Some minor things that would be helpful in GC4 Supernova.

1.  Report fleet experience level:   just fleet experience status total ship experience divided by total ships.

2. Report fleet repair status:   total hit points of fleet divided by max hps if fully repaired.  X% repair status.

3.Toggle to skip intro.  Just save a click.


If I just haven't found it let  me know as ususal.   These things come up regularly.  I could use 1 and 2 almost every turn.

(EDIT)  Yeah current hps/max hps is already displayed on the fleet description.  My bad!

(REEDIT)  Yeah "skip intro" under options does this!