Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV

Some more random issues in 1.6

Published on Monday, June 26, 2023 By Colonel_Panic2465 In Galactic Civilizations IV

These are just some things I've noticed while playing 1.6.

The first battle after loading up the game autoplays, but to change the view you have to click play to make it switch.
My ships often overlap and then split up later in the battle, or start out very close together and slowly start to collide.  This is for frigates and larger ships, fighters seem fine.

It's way too easy to accidentally destroy a planetary improvement.  Also the "destroy improvement" banner obstructs the view of other buildings.  Could this option be moved out of the way perhaps?

Someone mentioned this already, but it would be great to be able to move leaders to other jobs without firing them and taking the loyalty hit.  (You can already do this with Faction leaders to some extent, in that they show up in the potential planetary governors list.)

Is there a way to see when my treaties are going to expire with the various civs?  If so I haven't located it.  Nice to have?

I can't obsolete a ship I'm not allowed to build (but it shows up in my list anyway).  Along those lines, there are ship options that result in unbuildable ships.  Like the flag module -- you can't actually build a ship with this on it.  Why is it an option then?

The survey event that gives you a new planet, or when you use the seeds of yggdrassil, the planet icon does not update until you reload the game.  It appears as a black circle still.