Control Issue Under 1.55.376894.1
Published on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 By
How can my Control be -1? And how can my Control Per Month be 0?
The changes that went into 1.55.376894.1 seem to have created more bugs than they fixed. I hope you are going to put out a new version that fixes these new bugs that you have just introduced because they make the game hard to play in order to test the good changes that were made. Specifically, I am talking about:
- Difficulty in getting Culture points making the whole Ideology system useless.
- Inability to add Railguns to ships after researching Railguns technololgy leaving us with weak ships.
- Mass of Command ships issue making them unuseable.
- All of the other issues that have been posted by others in less than 24 hours after 1.55.376894.1 came out.
The phase "First, do no harm." comes to mind as a thought your coders should have as they are making changes.