Galactic Civilizations IV 1.03
Published on Thursday, April 28, 2022 By
*** RELEASED 5/26/2022 ***
This is just the start and more will be added to this list as we continue to update.
- Share Civilizations- You can now upload and download civilizations in the Workshop.
- 1.03: Custom Portraits- You can now add custom portraits to your custom civilization.
- Alliance victory- You will now win the game if you form an alliance with all the other players.
- New Events- Lors of new anomaly events
- Long Journey Home event
- Seed Device event
- Intelligence Bazaar event
- Making New Friends event
- Bad Directions event
- Past Its Prime event
- Dwindling Numbers event
- Pesky Beings event
- Past and Future event
- The Great Amusement event
- It's Fine event
- Mission of Mercy event
- Space Based Landfill event
- 1.03: Terrible Weapon event
- 1.03: Missed Connections event
- 1.03: Unsporting Behavior event
- 1.03: Prag'Aloth event
- 1.03: Sounds Risky event
- 1.03: The Deal event
- 1.03: The Rabbit and Hounds event
- Crash fixes
- Fixed an issue where survey ships without a weapon type wouldn't get the bonus from some events (most notable with the Improved Kinetic weapons on your starting survey ship since it doesn't have a kinetic attack)
- Fixed an issue where planet huds could get clipped if the planet's resources were very high.
- Medium UI fixes, for status bars on prestige Tooltip, Planet Units, and Invasion status bar.
- Fixed an issue where planets sometimes wouldn't show as defended (the shield icon) in the planet hud.
- Fixed an issue where planets sometimes wouldn't show as defended (the shield icon) in the planet list.
- Crash fixes.
- Fixed an issue where ships could disappear in the battle viewer.
- Fixed an issue where some redistributable had to be installed before the game would launch.
- Fixed an issue where AI military ships could survey anomalies.
- Fixed an issue where the Onyx Hive growth rate wasn't being affected by Promethion.
- Fixed an issue where the Lamprophye command ship had more components than available slots.
- Fixed broken Navigators Culture starbase thumbnails.
- Fixed an issue where custom civilizations couldn't access quest ships.
- Fixed an issue where ships could get lost under rally markers.
- Fixed an issue where Executive Orders wouldn't show in the list if you didn't have enough Control.
- Fixed the Hostile Entities slider to provide a wider range of results.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't look at Colony upgrades if you didn't have resources.
- Fixed an issue where you could get an empty colony ship after attacking a shipyard.
- Made it so that starbases, shipyards, and planets are blocked if they are not the destination.
- Fixed bug where if you were moving from one cluster to another, if the end of the subspace stream was blocked, it would still move over it but not do hit detection on the anomaly so that it traveled the long way.
- Fixed bug when you target the end of a subspace stream that isn't in the cluster you started in.
- Fixed an issue where Control relics weren't getting boosted by Relic boosting modifiers.
- Fixed an issue where the Efficiency culture trait wasn't reducing rush costs.
- Fixed the Free Market faction approval modifier.
- Fixed the Endless Emporium faction bazaar discount.
- Fixed the tourism modifier ont he Ancestral Home culture trait.
- Fixed the Tourism modifier on the Famous governor trait.
- Fixed the Tourism modifier on the Infamous governor trait.
- Fixed the Tourism modifier on Tropical worlds.
- Fixed the Tourism modifier on Low Gravitry worlds.
- Fixed the Tourism modifier on the Open Immigration policy.
- Fixed an issue where it wouldn't show available improvements if a planet didn't have an open tile (we still want to show the improvements even if you cant build them so players know if they should delete something to start a new improvement).
- 1.03: Fixed an issue for the growth rate of organic citizens in the Yor civilization.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue where the Prism Cage ship component was being given to the entire fleet.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue where the Demolition Charges ship component was being given to the entire fleet.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue where the Serrated Munitions ship component was being given to the entire fleet.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue making the Snathi ship parts unusable in the ship designer.
- 1.03: Typo fixes.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue where Relic placement wasn't being impacted by the relic frequency slider.
- 1.03: Fixed persuade and threaten buttons disappearing after completing a trade, when using the spinner to speak to another civ.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue causing stars to be placed without planets.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue making it so there were no worthwhile planets around starting locations.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue with formatted scroll bars.
- 1.03: Fixed the subscriber label on the mod details screen.
- 1.03: Crash fixes.
- 1.03: So many typo fixes (thanks to Old Spider).
- 1.03: Fixed the Drive Optimization tech.
- 1.03: Fixed the Ship Range modifer in the Anomaly Hunt event.
- 1.03: Fixed the missing planet name in the Pathogen event.
- 1.03: Removed an invalid Drone carrier upgrade from the Pirate Scrap event.
- 1.03: Fixed a string overflow when another civ demands credits.
- 1.03: Fixed the Approval modifier from the Church of the Way faction.
- 1.03: Fixed an issue with custom portraits with odd names (the Necrons mod issue).
- Movement changes
- Base ship speed is no longer set by hull size (previously tiny and small ships were faster than larger ships which made them annoying when trying to chase them all down, or having them run around your larger fleets).
- Probes get +2 moves (probes can continue to fly around and explore).
- All ships get +2 Moves in their borders (we considered putting a movement penalty on enemy ships, but that bonus will probably be increased on military shipyards, and we wanted to reward players for connecting their ZOCs with starbases since they will now travel faster between those systems).
- Ships now teleport across subspace streams.
- Improved the weapons on the Stargazer ship.
- Pushed the Discipline culture trait back to later in the Authority tree.
- Being attacked no longer restarts the Siege.
- Enabled Hostile entities in Arena MP mode.
- Reduced anomaly frequency.
- Doubled the cost of Supply modules for civilizations with the Proliferation trait.
- Prepared culture trait provides +2 Repair instead of +1.
- Manufacture Life project of the Yor increases in cost as more are made.
- Increased the number of planets allowed by map generation slightly.
- Decreased the number of stars generated by map generation slightly (so there will be fewer stars without planets).
- Added back the pirate defenders on ship graveyards.
- Vigilant starbases hp increased from 50 to 100, increased attack values all from 1 to 3 and removed defenses.
- 1.03: Rebalance Hostile Entities (most notably reducing them on rare frequency).
- 1.03: Everwar galactic challenge now gives different bonuses based on what you select on the conclusion event.
- 1.03: Added the Weather Control Center improvement.
- 1.03: Added the Weather Control Zenith improvement.
- 1.03: Removed the Orbital Shield colony upgrade.
- 1.03: Added the Defense Sentinels colony upgrade (provides 3 drone fighters to defend the colony).
- 1.03: Reduced the frequency of blue stars.
- 1.03: Famine event will no longer affect Silicon civilizations.
- 1.03: Reduced the increased cost for manufacturing Yor population.
- 1.03: Adjusted all star frequencies (to really fix the blue star issue).
- 1.03 Added bonuses to the Arcean Hull technologies.
- Improved drag and drop when reordering entries in the planet and shipyard queue.
- Improved the planetary Approval tooltip to more clearly show where it is coming from.
- Total required resources are now shown on the ship design screen as you build the ship.
- Better tooltip support for techs that change hull sizes.
- Added a link to the Wiki on the main menu.
- 1.03: We now hide give/get boxes after completing a trade
- 1.03: New Growth Tooltip
- 1.03: New Population capacity tooltip
Note to self: 346024