Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV

Galactic Civilizations IV Discord Q&A

Published on Friday, May 14, 2021 By SchismNavigator In GalCiv IV News

So now that everyone knows about Galactic Civilizations IV we are sure you all have many, many questions.

We are doing interviews, writing dev journals and responding to your comments and questions. But then we also thought wouldn’t it be cool to give everyone and anyone in our community a chance to come and ask us your questions in real-time!

That is exactly what we are doing. Next week we will be hosting a Q&A session live on our discord server using the new stage feature.

When: 2 PM (1400) EST 20th May



  • Brad Wardell – Creative Director
  • Chad LaForce – Producer/Cat Herder
  • Henry Pailing – Community Lead

If you cannot attend but still want to get your questions in, you can submit them here and we will work through a list of questions.

A transcript and recording of the Q&A session will be made available the following week.